I wanted to be able to check out the avatar's of some of my friends on XBL, and I thought it would be cool to have them on my desktop. From this, a Perl script for doing so was born.
For example, right now my desktop on my netbook looks like:
As you can see, the avatar's (and gamercards!) for 4 of my friends are drawn on my wallpaper. This script which started off so simple, has now become quite complex (as most programming projects do), and is quite versatile. You can now:
- Specify the number of columns of gamers (in the above screenshot this is set to 1, but you could have 2 or 3 or as many columns of avatar's and gamercards as you want)
- Set the opacity (transparency) of the avatar's so that you could have your background image partially show through.
- Have as many or as few gamers as you wish
- Change the card look by specifying a different base URL from MyGamerCard.net
- Output the image in 8 bit, 24 bit, or 32 bit colour depth
- Output the image as a PNG file or Windows BMP
- Only generate an image consisting of Avatars & gamercards or have them drawn on a suppplied background image (in GIF, JPEG or PNG format)
- Specify the width & height of avatar's and/or gamercards
- And much more
perl genWall.pl -?
will show all the options. And lastly the script itself can be found at:
And it is released under the conditions of the GNU Public License (GPL), so is free to use and modify as you see fit. Enjoy!